Holiness and Unity

The Church of God in Ireland

We welcome all Nations

Join us for special Gospel Meetings with Evangelist Bro. Isaac Thiessen.

Watch our latest music video!

Service Times and Places

Every Sunday at 1:15 PM

Main Worship Service in Dublin

335 Ballyfermot Rd,
Cherry Orchard,
Dublin, D10 CC78

Some Sunday afternoons

Street church close to the Spire / GPO in Dublin City centre

O’Connell Street / Henry Street, Dublin

Every Wednesday at 7:30 PM

Bible study and testimony service

Garryhinch, Portarlington,
Co. Laos, R32 H9W0

The Church of God in Ireland

For more information, or to request a local outreach meeting, please contact:

Marc Weiss, Pastor
089 707 4704
Copyright © 2025  The Church of God | Operated under the authority and auspices of the General Ministerial Body of the Church of God